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United States

Celebrating the USA: 50 States


Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas,
California, Colorado, Connecticut, and more.
Delaware, Georgia, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho,
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, only 35 to go.

Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts, and Michigan,
Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana,
Nebraska’s 27, #28’s Nevada.

New Hampshire, New Jersey, and way down, New Mexico,
New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio.
Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, now let’s see:
Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee.

There’s Texas, and there’s Utah, Vermont, I’m almost through,
Virginia, and there’s Washington, and West Virginia, too.
Could Wisconsin be the last one in the forty-nine?
No, Wyoming is the last one, in the fifty states that rhyme!

Map_of_USA_with_state_names.svg (1)

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Happy U.S. Independence Day!

Happy U.S. Independence Day from Shufflenet! 240 years ago, the Declaration of Independence was signed to form a new republic, the United States of America. Our tag cloud uses words from the U.S. national anthem “The Star-Spangled Banner” to celebrate the great nation the United States has become.

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